
Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011


Pertama tama
aku ucapkan salam dulu,karna ne tulisan tgan pertama untk blog ne

Hari ne ak GALAU bgeettzzzz
ak sms pcr gag d blez2,pelajarn sekolah gda yg pas,
untung ajj pas pel b.inggris tdii gurunya yaitu bu yulisma gag masuk
Jdi klas kami BEBAS dari guru slam 3 jam pelajaran(1 jam pel=45 mnit)
Selama itu ak gatw ngpaen di klas
yg ada di kelas kami pada sibug nyiapin sebuah KEJUTAN untuk 3 org tman kami yg akan ultah dalam waktu dkat ini
Hari ini juga sekolah kesayanganku yaitu LABSCHOOL UNSIYAH tanding basket melawan nag SMA 8,
Sialnya kami kalah telak....

mu blg ap lgi yhaaa
kyaknya itu dlu deh
harap maklum yha klo postingan ne sulit atau mmg ga bsa di mengerti

maklum saiia msii pemula

Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

How To Be EMO

How to Be Emo

Edited byJames Quirk and 266 others

the freedom to be you, be unique, be different. It's who you are.
the freedom to be you, be unique, be different. It's who you are.
Have you recently felt depressed? Alone? Isolated? Lost? Abandoned? by your family and friends? Misunderstood by the world? If you have, and like to express your feelings and emotions through poetry and music, chances are you're what today's society considers "emo".


  1. 1
    Understand what Emo is. Emo has many meanings. The correct definition is that emo is a music genre (short for emotive hardcore), a sub genre of hardcore punk. Still, others consider it's only a brief way to call someone emotional, although they are not correct. Also 'emo' is fashion, a way of dressing and expressing yourself through clothes and make up. Being emo is about being you. If you copy other emos, it's not the real you. It makes you look like a fake or a 'poser'. You have to understand that you don't have to do anything in particular to be emo. Still, there are those who believe emo is a lifestyle and choose to live their lives the emo way. Some emo's believe there are rules to being emo. The correct term for what is generally regarded as "emo" is scene (despite the darker colors and the common lack of extreme cheerfulness). For the sake of simplicity, however, we will use the term "emo".

    The Boy Crisis

    Got a Teen Son? Time To Re-Think His Environment?
  2. 2
    Appreciate Emo music. Emo is a rock music genre. In recent times, many pop-punk bands have been incorrectly classified as emo or emotive hardcore. Listen to a lot of emo bands, and maybe even consider picking up an instrument, such as a bass or guitar. You could also try to play the violin, and if you invest enough time into it, emo songs on the violin sound incredibly amazing. The drums can also be a very good instrument. You can even write poetry and turn them into songs.
  3. 3
    Test yourself. Try listening to emo music. If you end up liking this type of music, and come out wanting to download the songs after you’re done with the album, you’re probably a true emo. Getting inner emo is all a matter of finding out if you have it or not. Examples of emo include Yage, Amanda Woodward, Rites of Spring, Embrace, I Hate Myself, Indian Summer, Belle Epoque, Antioch Arrow, and Twelve Hour Turn. Emo is not mainstream; you will not hear any emo bands on the radio or at Warped Tour. Bands that have devoted their sound to hand-muted guitars and emotional lyrics are bands like Silverstein, Hawthorne Heights, Funeral for a Friend, Alesana, Escape the Fate and When Sparks Fly.
  4. 4
    Dress Emo.
    Dress Emo.
    Dress Emo. After you have discovered your inner emo, try shopping for a new wardrobe. Emo fashion has roots in both punk and goth. Wear tight jeans, tight shirts with emo band logos on them, studded belts, and an old, black and worn down pair of sneakers. Girls can wear black or red skirts with striped socks or leggings. Plaid skirts with chains are also a staple in the emo fashion. Leg warmers are acceptable as well. For accessories, buy black rubber bracelets or studded bracelets and any emo-looking necklaces, such as ones with grenades or broken hearts on them. Thick, black-rimmed glasses are not uncommon for emo guys or girls. Also, stripes and checkers are big in the emo culture. Take an example from others emo's you see around as inspiration, but do not copy, just do your own thing. There's always more emo points in thrift shop buys, also.
  5. 5
    Get an Emo hairstyle.
    Get an Emo hairstyle.
    Get an Emo hairstyle. Dye it black or brown with perhaps some blonde or unnatural color streaks, especially in the bangs. If you are a girl, you may possibly want to cut your hair to a very short bob-like hairstyle but keep your bangs long, swept drastically to one side and covering your eye. Or, for those who like long hair, get many choppy layers and highlights. For a guy, you may want to spike up the back side, and pat down the front side. You could also get your bangs/fringe dyed a lighter color than the rest of your hair. Remember, you should always straighten your hair with a flat iron and use lots of hairspray.
  6. 6
    Get the attitude. A lot of times, emo is associated with being bitter, depressed, insecure and resentful. But at it's core, you can be emo because you're sensitive, introspective, thoughtful, and quiet. Don't ever be loud or in anyone's face; focus on your own emotional life.
  7. 7
    Remember Emo's are people too! Don't be all glum if everyone makes fun of you! Remember you are still a person.


  8. Read blog sites like MLIA and FML.
  9. You can paint your nails black, even if you're a guy.
  10. When applying eyeliner, do not be afraid to apply to the inside of the lids and under the bottom lashline.
  11. When shopping for emo clothing, be sure to check stores like Hot Topic, Vans, and Spencers (for accessories). You will be able to find most of what you're looking for there.
  12. Remember, that you can wear other colors than black. Though black is a very popular color among emos, you don't want to wear too much or people might mistake you for "gothic". Red and purple are other good choices.
  13. Do not try too hard to be emo, or others will see you as a poser.
  14. If someone asks you if you are emo, simply shrug your shoulders or deny it. If they asked you, chances are, their opinions are already made and then your approval isn't going to change it much.
  15. Remember, if you are going to wear a band t-shirt, it should be an EMO band. Bands like Green Day, Linkin Park, Fall Out Boy, etc. will make you look like a poser. They are not emo bands.
  16. Look up My Chemical Romance (pre-killjoy), Skillet, Evanescence, and Flyleaf on to learn some "Emo" music
  17. Don't try too hard - let it come naturally.
  18. You can get your ears pierced more than once. This gives you an emo look. You can even go for a facial piercing.
  19. Become emo slowly. Gradually build on the makeup. Start soft and then get heavier. Same with the clothes.

Rabu, 21 September 2011

Bukti kebesaran Allah dan kebenaran Alqur'an

Bukti Kebesaran Allah dan Kebenaran Al-Qur’an

Bukti Kebesaran Allah dan Kebenaran Al-Qur’an,update terakhir tanggal 25 Feb 2007
Dengan Nama Allah yang Maha Pengasih Lagi Maha Penyayang
“Kami akan memperlihatkan kepada mereka tanda-tanda (kekuasaan) Kami di segala wilayah bumi dan pada diri mereka sendiri, hingga jelas bagi mereka bahwa Al-Quran itu adalah benar. Tiadakah cukup bahwa sesungguhnya Tuhanmu menjadi saksi atas segala sesuatu?” [QS. Al- Fushshilat]
Foto Kebesaran Allah SWT
Tidak semua peristiwa alam dapat dijelaskan dengan akal. Dalam koleksi ini disajikan keajaiban alam. Koleksi ini dikumpulkan sedikit demi sedikit dari internet. Jika anda merasa dapat memberikan tambahan keterangan pada koleksi di bawah ini, silahkan beri komentar anda !. Mohon bersabar apabila agak lambat, karena fotonya ditampilkan semuanya.. :)
Bulan pernah terbelah
Bukti Bahwa Bulan pernah Terbelah
Lafal Allah di langit Ciputat
Lafal Allah di Langit Ciputat.
(Foto : Andie wibianto)
Tulisan ALLAH diatas genangan air  Kalimat Allah di atas genangan Air
Tulisan Allah di atas genangan Air
Dari HP Zulherman Tanpa sengaja waktu dijalan ngeliat genangan air
berlafalkan ALLAH… subhanallah ( LOKASI pengambilan photo: Antara Cikarang – Tol Bekasi Timur( Jalan Utama /pinggir jalan Kalimalang ) Allahu Akbar ! )
Lafal Allah pada telinga bayi
Lafal Allah pada telinga bayi
Lapadz “Allah” yang terbentuk di telinga seorang bayi
Thanks for erwin atas sumbangan photonya. :) 

Awan yang membentuk kalimat Allah
Lafaz Allah pada Awan

Lafal Allah di Buah Mangga
Lafal Allah pada Saat di Kue
Dahliani (26), pembuat kue Agar-Agar yang berlafazdh “Allah” di atasnya.
Dia memperlihatkan kue tersebut kepada wartawan di rumahnya di Desa Baet Kecamatan Baitussalam Aceh Besar, Rabu (28/3)–foto: RAKYATACEH.COM
Lafal Allah pada Sebutir Telur
Lafal Allah pada Sebutir Telur
Lafal Allah pada Sebutir Telur
Lafal Allah pada Sehelai Daun
Lafal Allah pada Sehelai Daun

batu yang sujud
Batu karang yang sedang sujud.
Pohon Kaktus
Pohon Kaktus yang tumbuh membentuk Lafal Allah.
Buah Labu
Buah Labu

Tulisan Allah di Bumi Africa
Lafaz Allah tertulis dengan Jelas di Tanah Africa, di lihat dari satelit.
Lafaz Allah di Buah Melon
Lafaz Allah di Buah Melon
Lafaz Allah di Lautan
Lafaz Allah di Lautan , di lihat dari Satelit
Lafaz Allah di Tangan kita
Lafaz Allah di Tangan kita
Masjid Nabawi dan Madinah
dua Tempat suci umat islam, di lihat dari atas satelit, berkilau.
Ini adalah hasil pencitraan dari IKONOS Satelite milik Space Imaging Inc, AS. Masjidil Haram yang ‘diintai’ oleh AS pada 31 Oktober 1999 itu menampilkan fenomena menakjubkan. Terlihat di gambar hanya bagian Masjidil Haram saja yang berkilau sementara bangunan di sekitarnya tampak lebih gelap. Subhanallah. (NASA Astronomy Picture of The Day) (sumber :

Lafal Allah di langit Ciputat
Lafal Allah di Langit Ciputat.
(Foto : Andie wibianto)

Tulisan Allah di Buah Terong
Tulisan Allah di buah Terong
 ledakan di pipa gas milik Pertamina di lokasi lumpur Lapindo
Yang terbaru adalah jilatan api saat terjadi ledakan di pipa gas milik Pertamina di lokasi lumpur Lapindo, jalan Tol Porong-Gempol KM 38 22 November 2006 lalu.
Api yang membubung setinggi hampir 1 kilometer itu ternyata sempat membentuk lafal Allah dalam tulisan Arab beberapa saat. (Foto: Samuel Johnson)
Terima kasih buat Ahmadi dari malaysia yang sudah mengirimkan photo ini.
 Hasil foto satelit memperlihatkan riak-riak gelombang Tsunami di Sri Lanka mirip tulisan kaligrafi
Hasil foto satelit memperlihatkan riak-riak gelombang Tsunami di Sri Lanka mirip tulisan kaligrafi “Allah”. (Foto: Globalsecurity. Org)
 Masjid di Meulaboh, Aceh, yang berkubah warna gelap ini tampak tetap berdiri. Sejumlah bangunan di sisi-sisinya tampak tidak tersisa tersapu tsunami. (Foto: Setpres/Dudi Anung)
Masjid di Meulaboh, Aceh, yang berkubah warna gelap ini tampak tetap berdiri.
Sejumlah bangunan di sisi-sisinya tampak tidak tersisa tersapu tsunami. (Foto: Setpres/Dudi Anung)

 Bangunan untuk bersujud kepada-Nya di salah satu sudut kota Meulaboh
Bangunan untuk bersujud kepada-Nya di salah satu sudut kota Meulaboh ini tampak tetap berdiri kokoh.
Bangunan di sekitarnya roboh tersapu gelombang tsunami, kecuali pohon kelapa. (Foto: Indra Shalihin)
 Masjid berkubah putih di sudut lain kota Meulaboh juga tampak tetap berbentuk. Sekitarnya, tampak porak-poranda. (Foto: Setpres/Dudi Anung)
Masjid berkubah putih di sudut lain kota Meulaboh juga tampak tetap berbentuk.
Sekitarnya, tampak porak-poranda. (Foto: Setpres/Dudi Anung)

Lebah yang Membentuk Allah
(Those who are familiar with Arabic will easily be able to identify what this beehive spells – “Allahu”)

Akan terlihat dengan jelas lafal “Allah” pada batu permata tersebut bila disinari dengan cahaya

Selain itu (sungguh ngeri) ketika langit pecah belah lalu menjadilah ia mawar merah, berkilat seperti minyak
Mawar Merah di Angkasa
“Selain itu (sungguh ngeri) ketika langit pecah belah lalu menjadilah ia mawar merah, berkilat seperti minyak”
(Ar-Rahman: 37)
Gambar di atas adalah gambar ledakan bintang di angkasa yang diperoleh NASA dengan Teleskop yang sangat canggih. Kejadian tersebut membuktikan kebenaran Al-Quran yang diturunkan 14 abad yang lalu pada surah Ar-Rahman di atas.
This is a recently discovered phenomenon in a forest near Sidney. As you can see, the bottom half of the tree trunk is bowed in such a way that it resembles a person in a posture of Islamic prayer – the ‘ruku’. Looking closer you can see the ‘hands’ resting on the knees. the most amazing thing is that the ‘man’ is directly facing the Kaaba, Mecca which is the direction Muslims all over the world face when in prayer.
Tomat yang membentuk Lafaz Allah
Buah Tomat
Sesungguhnya ALLAH Maha berkuasa dan dapat menjadikan apa saja yang pernah ataupun tidak pernah terfikir oleh manusia.Ini merupakan keajaiban alam ciptaan ALLAH.
The story of the fish began when Mr. Goerge Wehbi, a Christian Lebanese, was practicing his fishing hobby, in Dakar Senegal (the Capital of West Africa). He caught many fish. When the went home his wife saw among them a strange fish about 50cm length, with some arabic writing on it. He took it to Sheikh al-Zein, who read clearly what was writen in a natural way. That could not be done by a human being, but rather a Godly Creation which the fish was born with. He read “God’s Servant” on its belly and “Muhammad” near its head, and “His Messenger” on its tail
Pohon yang berbentuk La Ilah Ha Ilalah.
One brother on Germany wrote and sent this photo. “The branches clearly say in Arabic that- There is no god but Allah. This is said to be a scene on a piece of cultivated farmland in Germany. Many Germans have been said to have embraced Islam upon seeing this miraculous sight and that the German government put steel fences around the part of the farm to prevent people from visiting and witnessing this miraculous site”
Lapadz “Allah” yang terbentuk di telinga seorang bayi
Awan yang membentuk Lapadz
Awan yang membentuk Lapadz “Allah”, kejadian ini diabadikan oleh seseorang di Mekkah
Mesjid Tetap Berdiri meski terjadi gempa
A mosque still stands amidst the rubble of collapsed buildings in this aerial view of a neigborhood in the western Turkish town of Golcuk, 60 miles east of Istanbul, August 19, 1999. The death toll from western Turkey’s worst recorded eartquake surpassed 6,000, as hope waned of finding any of the thousands still missing under the mountains of rubble.
menunjukkan kalimah
menunjukkan kalimah
Menurut pemiliknya kalau dilihat dari dekat Gambar di atas
menunjukkan kalimah “Lailahaillah” terbentuk pada seekor ikan

Sebuah Bukit yang membentuk muka manusia